Fluid Ounces to Cubic feet conversion
Our Fluid Ounce to cubic foot conversion tool is a free converter that enables you to convert from Fluid Ounce to cubic foot easily.
How to Convert Fluid Ounce to cubic foot
To convert a Fluid Ounce volume to a cubic foot volume, divide the volume by the conversion ratio. Since 1 cubic foot is equal to 957.506494 fluid ounce, you can use this simple formula to convert
What is the formula to convert from Fluid Ounce to cubic foot?
ft3=fl oz / 957.506494
Convert 5fl oz to cubic feet
5 fl oz = (5 / 957.506494) = 0.00522190 ft3
Convert 10fl oz to cubic feet
10 fl oz = (10 / 957.506494) = 0.01044379 ft3
Convert 100fl oz to cubic feet
100 fl oz = (100 / 957.506494) = 0.10443793 ft3
Fluid ounce
What is a Fluid ounce?
A fluid ounce (symbol: fl oz) is a unit of volume in the imperial and United States customary systems of measurement. The US fluid ounce is 1/16 of a US fluid pint, and 1/128 of a US liquid gallon, which is equal to 29.57 mL.
What is the Fluid ounce used for?
As the name indicates, the fluid ounce is typically used as a measurement of liquid volume. It is mostly used in the United States and the United Kingdom, as one of the many measurements of volume used.
Cubic foot
What is a Cubic foot?
A cubic foot (symbol: ft3) is a unit of volume in the Imperial and United States customary systems of measurement defined as the volume of a cube with side measurements of 1 ft × 1 ft × 1 ft. It is equal to 1,728 cubic centimeters, approximately 0.028317 cubic meters, and 28.317 liters.
What is the Cubic foot used for?
The cubic foot is used in the United States and in some parts of Canada and the United Kingdom, though in all of these countries, the SI (International System of Units) units of volume, liter, milliliter, and cubic meter, are also used.
How to use our Fluid Ounce to cubic foot converter
Follow these 3 simple steps to use our Fluid Ounce to cubic foot converter
- Input the unit of Fluid Ounce you wish to convert
- Click on convert and watch this result display in the box below it
- Click Reset to reset the Fluid Ounce value
Fluid Ounces to Cubic foot Conversion Table
fluid ounce | cubic feet |
fl oz | ft3 |