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Ton to kilogram conversion

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How did we calculate?

To Calculate, we took the value you submitted and multiplied it by 907.2 to get the result.

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Our ton to kilogram(t to kg) conversion tool is a free converter that enables you to convert from ton to kilogram easily.

How to Convert ton to kilogram

To convert a ton measurement(t) to a kilogram measurement(kg), multiply the weight by the conversion ratio. Since one Ton is equal to 907.2 kilograms, you can use this simple formula to convert:

What is the formula to convert from ton to kilogram?

tons=t * 907.2


Convert 5 ton to kilogram

5 t = (5 * 907.2) = 4,536kg

Convert 10 ton to kilogram

10 t = (10 * 907.2) = 9,072kg

Convert 100 ton to kilogram

100 t = (100 * 907.2) = 90,720kg


What is a ton?

A ton is a unit of weight and mass. In the United States and Canada, the ton, also known as the short ton, is defined as 2,000 pounds, or 908 kilograms. In the United Kingdom, the ton, sometimes referred to as the long ton, is defined as 2,240 avoirdupois pounds, or 1,016 kg.

Ton can be abbreviated as t; for example, 1 ton can be written as 1t.

What is the ton used for?

The long ton is used in the United Kingdom along with other countries that still use the imperial system, the short ton is used mainly in the United States, and the tonne is used worldwide. Although both the UK, the US, and some other countries still use other definitions of the ton, the tonne is the legally designated form of the ton for use in trade.


What is a Kilogram?

A kilogram is the base unit of mass in the International System of Units. It is presently defined based on the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant: h. Even though the kilogram's definition was changed in 2019, the actual unit size remained the same. The changes were ment to improve the definitions of SI base units, not actually to change how the units are used worldwide.

Kilograms can be abbreviated as kg; for example, 1 kilogram can be written as 1kg.

What is the kilogram used for?

The kilogram is used in nearly all fields globally, except countries like the United States, where it is used in many areas (such as science, industry, government, and the military) but typically not in everyday applications.

How to use our ton to kilogram converter (t to kg converter)

Follow these 3 simple steps to use our ton to kilogram converter

  1. Input the unit of grams you wish to convert
  2. Click on convert and watch this result display in the box below it
  3. Click Reset to reset the gram value

Tons to kilogram Conversion Table

t kg

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